三大影后同台卖腐迷得我晕头转向如何向死而生的秘密:"Dear Leonard, to look life in the face, always to look life in the face, and to know it for what it is. At last, to know it, to love it for what it is, and then to put it away."
我真是爱死这三个老伙计了母亲とが话しています免费是的从对日本的介绍深度来说就是bullocks但是对于美国和欧洲观众绝对算是足够船长作为三人里最闷骚的也非常契合这个主题对我来说日本这个卖点算是锦上添花我也没有想通过船长的外行视角神游这片美丽的地方James May就是这个系列最大的看点他和他的老伙计永远是最能让我笑成傻逼的最棒的presenter最后妈的我已经对这句话产生爆笑反射了:BIM, GUESS WHAT
Always to look life in the face,and to know it for what it is,and last to know it,to love it,and then to put it away...Always the years beween us,always the years,always the love,always the hours...